10 results found for "motor truck"
Motor controller for Electrical Truck Van pickup truck Light truck Heavy truck
Meet various vehicles applications By the end of June 2018, more than 200,000 units/sets have been used in various vehicle types: ■ Passenger vehicle (bus/commuter): small sea lion, Coster, 8.5m-12m passenger bus, 18m dual source trolleybus ■ Trucks: mini van and mini truck under 2.5 tons, 3.5-7.5 tons light trucks, 18-55 tons heavy trucks ■ Special-Purposed vehicles: sanitation truck, sprinkler truck, dust suppression truck, dock tractor, tunnel engineering tractor ■ Passenger car: A-class sedan, SUV
Electric Heavy Truck Motor transmiission 50T-100T/50T-60T/ 31T-49Theavy-duty electric heavy truck
Company's leading products include the power system of medium and heavy pure electric commercial vehicles, the power system of hybrid electric commercial vehicles, the AMT transmission and power system of internal combustion engine heavy truck and its core components TCU and actuator, motor controller MCU,vehicle controller VCU, Internet of Vehicles, intelligent driving and big data operation and maintenance management system, etc.