
V6-H Series VFD Drive Frequently Ask Questions About Debugging

  • 2021-08-17 10:05:54

I.Why occur over current trip or over load trip in vector control 2 with encoder speed feedback?

Check the parameter settings:

(1)Check if the motor parameters are properly set

(2)Check if the encoder pulse Pd.21 is properly set

(3)Check if the encoder direction parameter of Pd.22 is properly set

(4)Check if the ratio between motor and encoder Pd.24 is properly set Check the hardware connection

(1)Check if the PG card matches the encoder

(2)Check if the PG card and the encoder are properly connected

(3)Check if the encoder in good condition

(4)Check if the lines for Hall sensor is loosen or dislocated for V6−H−4T18.5G/22L and above power class

II.Why have abnormal operation in vector control 2 without encoder speed feedback?

(1)Check if there exists large difference between the motor rated current and inverter rated current

(2)Check if complete motor data identification has been performed

(3)Check if the lines for Hall sensor is loosen or dislocated for V6−H−4T18.5G/22L and above power class

III.Why have abnormal in open loop torque control or close loop torque control ?

(1)Check if there exists large difference between the motor rated current and inverter rated current

(2)Check if complete motor data identification has been performed

(3)Check if the torque reference channel and speed limit channel are properly set

(4)Check if the lines for Hall sensor is loosen or dislocated for V6−H−4T18.5G/22L and above power class

IV.Why have abnormal operation in vector control 1?

(1)Check if motor data identification has been performed

(2)Check if the lines for Hall sensor is loosen or dislocated for V6−H−4T18.5G/22L and above power class

V.Why the running frequency kept at 0Hz when run reverse ?

(1)Check if the frequency is set to 0

(2)Check if the parameter value of P3.09 is set to 0. If not, change it to 0

VI.Why the braking resistor didn’t it work?

(1)Check if the braking resistor is connected between the main circuit terminals B1 and B2

(2)Check if the parameter value of PA.09 is set to 1. If not, change it to 1

(3)If external braking unit check braking unit is selected, ensure the wiring is correct

(4)Even if external braking unit is installed, PA.09 need to set to 1 too

VII.Why there is large deviation between the analog input and the setting frequency?

(1)Check if the analog input type is correct and the jumpers of control board for select 0 ~ 10V or 0 ~ 20mA are properly set. For the analog voltage input, the jumper turn to V side and for the analog current input, the jumper turn to I side

(2)Check if the analog input curve is properly set, for details, refer to parameters of P6.00 to P6.20

VIII.Why there is large deviation between the analog output and the running frequency?

(1)Check if the analog output type is correct and the jumpers of control board for select 0 ~ 10V or 0 ~ 20mA are properly set. For the analog voltage output, the jumper turn to V side and for the analog current output, the jumper turn to I side

(2)Check if the analog output curve is properly set, for details, refer to parameters of P7.05 to P7.09

IX.Why report E.AIF analog input abnormal error?

(1)Check if the analog input type is correct and the jumpers of control board for select 0 ~ 10V or 0 ~ 20mA are properly set. For the analog voltage input, the jumper turn to V side and for the analog current input, the jumper turn to I side

(2)Check if the analog input voltage exceeds 11V

(3)When the analog power supply is inner +10V of the control board, check if the voltage of +10V is lower than 9V or higher than 11V. If yes, check if the resistance value between the +10V and the GND is less than 1KΩ after powered off completely

X.Why report E.P10 abnormal error?

(1) Check if the voltage of +10V on the control board is lower than 9V or higher than 11V. If yes, check if the resistance value between +10V and GND is less than 1KΩ after power off completely

XI.Why the host computer and inverter have abnormal communication?

(1)Check if the data format, address and baud rate are consistent with the host computer

(2)Check if the host computer address needs to be added by 1 (that is,”Address +1”)

(3)Check if the host computer adopts Modbus RTU format

(4)Check if the register address of the host computer is converted to hexadecimal format

(5)Check if the 485 wires are properly connected

XII.Why there exist abnormality when perform parameter copy?

(1)The parameters for V5 series and V6 series cannot be copied between each other

(2)The copy operation can be performed only when the parameter value of d1.09 are consistent

(3)After download, should completely power off and power on again, the parameters copy is completed

XIII.Why the operation panel displayed “” or no display?

(1)Check if the operation panel are properly connected to the control board

(2)Check if the network cable adopt straight-through connection between the operation panel and control board

XIV.Why the operation panel can not see the parameter or can not change parameter value?

(1)If the parameter value can not changed, check if P0.01 is set to 1. If is set to 1, change it to 0

(2)Check if the parameter is only read

(3)If change parameter in running status, check if the parameter could not be changed in running status

(4)When display is not available, check if the parameter has been encrypted

(5)When display is not available, check if the operation panel has been locked

XV.How the motor keep the locking force in static status?

(1)Running at 0 frequency in the control mode of vector control 2 with encoder speed feedback

(2)Enabled the zero−servo function in the control mode of vector control 2 with encoder speed feedback

XVI.How to change the motor direction?

(1)If P0.06=0, setting P0.07 or press FWD/REV key to change the running direction in real time

(2)If P0.06=1, motor running direction is determine by the terminal command

(3)Operation panel UP/DN key or terminal UP/DN can change the running direction,for details, refer to the parameter of Pb.08 and Pb.10 descriptions

(4)PID control and composite control can change the motor direction, or details, refer to the parameter of P8.08 description

XVII.Why some model inverter, the fans will run after power on, and some not after power on?

(1)15kW and below power class: The fan will run after power on

(2)18.5kW to 45kW : The fan is controlled by the heat-sink temperature

(3)55kW to 75kW : The fan will run after power on

(4)90kW and above power class: The fan is controlled by the heat-sink temperature and running command. The fan will run when in running status or the heat-sink temperature reach fan running temperature

XVIII.What will happen if the CN1 busbar of the control board is loose or damaged?

(1) If the CN1 busbar of the control board is loose or damaged, the cannot run or will report various errors. Such as the may display “−LU−” , E.oc1, E.FAL, E.oH1, E.oH2, E.Cur and E.dL3,etc.

XIV. How to solve the trouble if occur E.FAL fault?

(1)When the inverter trip by over current, over voltage, short circuited to ground, output phase imbalance, etc. There may be occur E.FAL fault.

(2)Check the fault record of d0.00 to d0.05 and d0.11 E.FAL protection type: d0.11 E.FAL protection type:

0: None

1: Module protection

2: Over current

3: Over voltage

4: Short circuited to ground

5: Vagueness state, interfere and all of above are possible

(3)Check when occur E.FAL fault:

A.Report E.FAL when power on

B.Report E.FAL when start to run

C.Report E.FAL during running status

Integrated above data, parameter settings, hardware and the load to solve the problem.

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